July 26, 2024
Kokomo's Flory Bidunga

Kokomo's Flory Bidunga

Photos from the IHSAA 4A State Championship including Flory Bidunga, Clay Butler, Mark Zackery, Sheridan Sharp, Zane Doughty, Coach Don Carlisle and Coach John Peckinpaug

Check out some of the photos I got from the Ben Davis vs Kokomo IHSAA 4A Championship game on March 25th 2023. The game was a classic, with Ben Davis going on to win 53-41, and finishing the undefeated season.

In the gallery, you’ll see photos of Kokomo’s Flory Bidunga and some of his awesome slams. Ben Davis’ big man Zane Doughty, with his slick footwork, and various other action shots of the game.

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