July 27, 2024

Bloomington, IND – It was a perfect fall day for football. The Maryland Terrapins, led by Taulia Tagovailoa, stepped into Memorial Stadium to face our Indiana Hoosiers. This was a game that IU should and needed to win. However, as seems to be the theme for this year, our Hoosiers, just couldn’t get over that hump. It will be the 4th straight week that we won’t get to drive by Memorial Stadium and see that huge victory flag fly. Here are 5 things we learned.

Indiana Got Off To A Slow Start…Again

I hate to keep harping on this same subject, but IU cannot afford to keep shooting themselves in the foot to start off games. Our Hoosiers were quickly down 7-0 after a first possession interception by Maryland. We simply do not have the talent to keep coming back against BIG ten competition. Having said that…

Indiana Was Able To Persevere Through Early Adversity

Our Hoosiers did not hang their heads after the early deficit. While nowhere near perfect, or even good at points, IU was able to do just enough to give them a chance at the end of the first half. Heady plays by Bazelak, including an amazing 44 yard TD pass to Josh Henderson, and some untimely penalties from Maryland helped our Hoosiers stay in the game and eventually take the lead.

Offensive Line Showed Improvement

In the Tom Allen era IU has not been known for its prowess on the O-Line, and as most of you know, IU replaced its Offensive Line Coach right after the Michigan game. Now Rod Carey is not a miracle worker and with only one week to prepare, could not be expected to turn this unit around overnight. However, they showed some signs of life today. In no way were they perfect, but they actually showed some confidence and fight. One example was a punishing goal line TD run by Josh Henderson. The big guys pushed Maryland off the ball and allowed Josh Henderson just enough room to make the score.

Ball Security is Job Security

Turnovers, turnovers, turnovers. Coach Allen said this week that they feel that they have the talent to play with anyone in the country, but they lack consistent execution. Well if they do have the talent, they certainly lack the execution. Our Hoosiers turned the ball over 3 times today while not forcing any from Maryland.

IU’s Lack Of Discipline And Execution In Crunch Time Cost Them This Game

The momentum was there, and as seems to happen often, it gets taken away in a flash. Missed tackles, poor gap play, and a very untimely unsportmanlike conduct penalty late in the game doomed our Hoosiers to another loss in a game that they probably should have won. Indiana just has to stop beating themselves. Period.

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